Coffee, Creativity, and Family: Melbourne's Magical Storyteller

Meet Samara Saward, a passionate storyteller and coffee enthusiast hailing from the vibrant city of Melbourne, Australia. Samara's life is a delightful blend of family, creativity, and adventure. She shares her home with her partner, three wonderful kids, and an English Staffy named Boots, who adds an extra dose of joy to their bustling household.

Although Samara loves the dynamic energy of Melbourne, she often reminisces about her childhood in the serene landscapes of north-west Tasmania. Growing up in a large family, she cherishes the quiet life she once knew, even if she doesn't miss the infamous Tassie Devils!

Samara's literary world is filled with magical creatures, strong heroines, and swoon-worthy romance. When she's not crafting these enchanting tales, she enjoys indulging in her favorite pastimes: reading, camping, and engaging in spirited games of Monopoly with her kids.

Join me as we delve deeper into Samara's creative process, inspirations, and more in an exclusive Q&A session. Get ready to be inspired by her journey and the magical worlds she brings to life!


  • Can you explain your journey of being a self-published author? Are there any tips you would give an aspiring writer who wants to self-publish?

    My journey to self-publishing was pretty simple. Honestly, I didn't even consider going trad. I knew I wanted control over my stories and how they were presented, so going indie was the only choice for me. Plus, I'm the most impatient person you'll ever meet, and trad takes a lot of patience! The biggest tip I can give someone who wants to self-publish is to find your crew. Find author friends and rely on them. Self-publishing can be a lonely venture, and having those author friends will save your sanity!

  • How do you handle writer’s block or periods of low creativity? Are there any specific strategies you use to get back on track?

    I mostly just go with the flow. If I'm not vibing with a story, I set it aside and work on another one. The words will come eventually.

  • Could you share some insights into your writing process? Do you have any rituals or habits that help you stay productive and creative?

    I write down EVERY idea I have for a story/series. Once I have everything down, I fit some of the ideas into a plot outline (I use the 24 chapter outline), then fill the gaps. I always decide on the Inciting Incident first, then the Climax/Ending. Once I have the major plot points outlined, I go back and figure out what needs to happen for the main characters to get to that point, making notes about possible story directions and what my antagonist needs to be doing. I always use a physical book bible. Plotting on screen doesn't work for me, but I wish it did! The worst part? I NEVER stick to my original outline! The characters always surprise me by taking the story in a different direction, then I have to outline it all again! As for habits, I write better if I have a coffee with me. No idea why, but if my mug isn't full, I get distracted.

  • How do you create complex and relatable characters in your novels? Are there any specific techniques or inspirations you draw from when developing their personalities, motivations, and arcs?

    I use The Positive Trait (and Negative) Thesaurus to give my characters some depth. I really love using zodiac signs, though, especially if I have elemental magic in my story. What I really LOVE doing is basing my characters off people I know. There's someone I love hidden in each of my books.

  • Could you share your process for world-building? How do you balance creating unique settings while ensuring they resonate with readers?

    I like to draft a map first. Once I have the land (rivers, oceans, forests etc) laid out, I can see where I want the protagonist to spend most of their time, and I can envision settings a lot better. Most of the places in my books take inspiration from places I've visited. In my Helios Mage trilogy, there's a portal cave that's inspired by Trowutta Arch in NW Tasmania!

  • What have been the most rewarding moments in your writing journey? Conversely, what challenges have you faced, and how did you overcome them?

    Most rewarding is definitely the connections I've made since I first published. Seeing my book published is fantastic, but if I didn't take the leap and start writing, I wouldn't have any of the close friendships I have now. There have been so many challenges! The biggest is probably putting myself out there. I'm an introvert through-and-through, and book signings, making reels, and even commenting back to people make me so anxious. I don't really overcome them. I more... shove them to the back of my mind where they pile up and explode out later. I'm going to take this opportunity to thank my author bestie, A.M. Nelson, for putting up with my (sometimes) deranged texts.

  • How do you connect with your readers? Do you have any memorable interactions or experiences with fans that stand out to you?

    I treat my readers how I treat everyone else in my life. With kindness, respect, and too many emojis. I think of them as my friends! My most memorable interaction is definitely attending The Indie Bookworm Event at Kryal Castle in Ballarat, where I finally met some readers who have supported me from the beginning. Finally meeting them in person was such a great experience!

  • What advice would you give to new writers?

    Best advice? Just write. Don't worry about if it works, don't worry about typos or plot holes, just get the words down. It's easier to fix problems once the story is finished (and who knows, you might fill that plot hole later in the manuscript). 

  • What are some of your all-time favorite books, and why do they resonate with you? Are there any lesser-known gems you'd recommend to fellow readers?

    My favourite books are the Medoran Chronicles by Lynette Noni, and the Throne of Glass series. I read them both during Melbourne's lockdowns, and they reintroduced me to my love for books while saving my sanity during one of the toughest times. I also really loved the Flowers in the Attic books, and Silent Honor by Danielle Steel. But honestly, I've read so many fantastic books that it's hard to choose favourites.

  • What do you wish people/readers knew about you?

    Imposter Syndrome kicks my arse on a daily basis. I want to please everyone, and I want my books to be discovered, but there's always a niggling thought in the back of my mind that I'll never be good enough. I endure a lot in my personal life that attributes to that, and I doubt there will ever be a time when I accept that people like my stories, no matter how many wonderful reviews I read.

  • What future projects or ideas are you excited about? Can you give us a sneak peek into what you’re working on next?

    I'm so excited about the WIP I'm drafting at the moment. It gives Fourth Wing vibes, but without the dragons, has runic magic (maybe, I MIGHT change this), a kind of rivals/enemies-to-lovers, rebellion, and (if I do it right) you might actually feel bad for the antagonist.

  • What kind of research do you do for your books, and how do you integrate real-world knowledge into your fantasy settings?

    I mostly just research when/if I need to, which is kind of a lot when my books are set in different time periods. My Google search history is all "did this happen during medieval times?" and "what word did they use instead of (insert appropriate curse here) during the renaissance?"

  • Can you tell us about a scene or character that was particularly challenging to write? How did you overcome those challenges?

    Bria. The mental health representation in the Chronicles of Radelea was HARD. I used my own struggles with Bria, and had to step away from the manuscript for weeks at a time to reset myself. And although it's the hardest thing I've written, I'm so glad I did. If it helps even one person to feel better, then my struggles were worth it.

Sampling of Her Work:

Upcoming Releases

A Flame Forged in Mist

Release Date: April 4, 2025

Quick Synopsis: Ever Tillman enters a rare tournament to gain magic and seek revenge. As she faces dark secrets and high stakes, she catches the eye of Calyx Heartsworn, a prince torn between duty and desire. Will Ever achieve her vengeance? Can Calyx protect her without betraying his land?


  • Morally Grey Characters

  • Lethal Trials

  • Mortals and Mystics

  • One Horse

  • Secrets Unveiled

  • Dual POV

  • “Who did this to you?”

  • Medieval Times


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