‘Til Next Time
"Til Next Time" follows fifteen-year-old Seth Rosenberg who just entered his freshman year of high school—isolated, friendless, and eager to have the next three years pass him by as swiftly as possible. But when Wynter Meadows, the widely popular, not to mention Seth’s biggest crush, reveals that she is in the midst of a battle against leukemia, his entire world is flipped upside down.
This book gave me serious "A Walk to Remember" vibes, and as you can guess, it will make you feel all the emotions (cue the tissues). Seth’s POV was a highlight for me because he felt authentic as a young adult. I could relate to his struggles and his awkward, nerdy, old-soul personality. Even though I anticipated the ending, I was still deeply invested in his journey.
What I loved:
The emotional depth
Wynter, on the other hand, was a bit harder to connect with. I didn’t dislike her, but I found it challenging to form a strong attachment. The book tackles some heavy topics, so be prepared for an emotional ride. One aspect I struggled with was the narrative style—it leaned more towards telling rather than showing. As someone who prefers to be immersed in the moment, this made it difficult for me to fully engage with the plot.
However, if you enjoy heartfelt, teen friendship stories that tug at your heartstrings, this book will be right up your alley.